You are able to display analysis results for each load case and load combination after a successful analysis run. Use the 'Results' ribbon menu to select the active load case / combination, and toggle the results output buttons to view the desired results as follow:
From the 'Case' dropdown button on the 'Results' ribbon tab, select 'C1'
Click 'Support Reactions' to display support reactions and moments in X, Y, Z
Display only support reactions and moments in Z by clicking on 'Reactions in X' and 'Reactions in Y' to deselect them
Click on 'Deflections' to discplay the deflected shape
Click 'Show Values' to display the result values in the model
Toggle the remaining 'Output' result options to see how they display output results
Use the 'Amplification' slider to amplify the results output in the model
Click 'Start Animation' to animate the deflected model output
Click 'Stop Animation' to stop the output animation
Tip: When running the output animation, keep the mouse cursor outside of the model workspace window for a smoother animation result.